MITRE Releases Aviation Risk Identification & Assessment Software

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MITRE) releases the Aircraft Risk Identification & Assessment (ARIA) software to improve aircraft safety & efficiency across the world. As a matter of fact, ARIA is a non-profit MITRE corporation that runs federally supported research & development labs. Moreover, it also offers a complete procedure to identify and even assess the risks in the aviation industry.

The Main Features of MITRE

ARIA has designed MITRE to gather & analyze aircraft position data and provide real-time into the safety of the entire aviation industry. Also, the Safety & Technical Training Service Unit of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) guarantees the safety & efficiency of the National Airspace Safety (NAS). You all must know that it also includes the software program.

The Main Features of ARIA

  1. Data Gathering & Analysis of any aircraft’s location in real-time.
  2. An in-depth identification & evaluation of any aircraft-related risk.
  3. Corporation with the FAA’s Technical Training Service Unit for the crews’ & passengers’ safety.
  4. Increased effectiveness & safety in the aviation industry.

ARIA provides a comprehensive method for recognizing & evaluating aviation-related risks with its real-time aircraft position data collecting & analysis technology. By doing this, the FAA will increase the safety & efficiency of the aviation industry.

OpenARIA is available for public recommendations for further improvement from the developers & users on GitHub. This will allow the ARIA programs to further improve it as per the international aviation community.


The FAA’s Safety & Technical Training Service Unit (STTSU) is controlling the NAS’s safety & effectiveness. The risk assessment and real-time data analysis have been made possible by ARIA’s connection with STTSU to improve the global aviation industry’s efficiency & safety.

The MITRA’s ARIA software is an effective instrument for raising the global aviation industry’s efficiency & safety standards. Also, ARIA is offering an extensive process for identifying & evaluating the risks in the aviation industry. As a result, it improves safety & efficiency using the aircraft’s real-time data.

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